The journey begins in Motta di Livenza, a small town in northeastern Italy, where I was born. It is known for its basilica, a Sanctuary to Mary (Santuario della Madonna dei Miracoli) built in 1513 on the site where Giovanni Cigana, a pious man, recited the rosary every day in front of a wayside shrine at a cross road on his way to work in the fields.
On March 9, 1510, Giovanni saw a beautiful young woman dressed in white sitting in the field. She asked him to tell the villagers to do penitence and to pray to obtain God’s forgiveness; she also told him she wanted a church built where she appeared and that she would send a sign that everyone could see in the evening to confirm her appearance. There had been a plague epidemic in the area and people complied; many received blessings and miraculous healings which the religious authorities declared legitimate.
My mother was a devout Catholic; like Giovanni Cigana, she recited the rosary every day. When the family moved to France, after WWII, she brought with her a framed picture of the beautiful sculpture exhibited in the crypt of the Sanctuary. She hung it in her bedroom and I remember it in the kitchen as well. Moving to France with a family of six children, and not speaking French, was quite an adjustment, even for a courageous woman like her. Her faith gave her strength and she was cheerful.
Many years ago, I went back to my birthplace together with my parents; since then, they passed away. More recently, in April 2019, I returned to the area, to hear the dialect and walk in the countryside where they had lived. On Easter Sunday I went to the Sanctuary, Santuario Madonna dei Miracoli; after the service, I went down to the crypt to see the Madonna of the picture hanging in my childhood home. She was beautiful! I lit a candle and prayed. In the passage to the garden, messages of gratitude to Mary and photos of the families who received Her blessings were displayed. As a child I had seen such messages and photos in “La Voce di Maria” (The Voice of Mary), a newsletter my mother subscribed to.
My emotion during the visit to the Sanctuary last year was linked to the memory of my parents, particularly my mother who worshipped Mary; to day, I am intrigued by the sign She gave the night of the apparition. Brother John Francesco Lim[1]describes it in these words: ‘Around sunset of that same day, March 9th, 1510, the sun, after having been hidden by the clouds for an hour, appeared of such a vivid red that it seemed to come out of a blood bath.
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